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无人驾驶的未来… It’s Not Just About the Cars

IBI TH!NK的第一个口袋R&D focuses on explores the potential gains and pains of this emerging driverless vehicle technology.



Exploring the Urban Effects of Autonomous Vehicles: A Pocket R&D Beta项目
The arrival of Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) on our streets appears to be only a question of time. 在IBI。!NK的第一个口袋R&D项目, Alex Mereu from AG平台’s transportation 规划 group in Toronto, explores the potential gains and pains of this emerging technology, and offers recommendations for cities to leverage the opportunities this technology presents. 阅读报告全文 在这里.

We have produced an accompanying video, which you can view below and is live on AG平台’s Youtube 通道.

For further insight and discussion around the urban effects of autonomous vehicles, please visit the TH!NK by IBI 博客.

THiNK is AG平台’s in-house research and development group. 不像传统的R&D单位,TH单位!NK works as a decentralized knowledge network that leverages the intellectual capital of IBI employees across disciplines and geographies. TH!朝鲜的角色是连接人们, enable innovation and share knowledge through initiatives, platforms and partnerships – both internally and externally. 这包括TH!NK的口袋R&D program, a micro-research program conducted by our staff.

AG平台 (TSX:IBG) is a globally integrated architecture, 规划, 工程, 科技公司拥有超过2个,500 professionals around the world. 40多年了, its dedicated professionals have helped clients create livable, 可持续发展的, 先进的城市环境. AG平台 believes that cities must be designed with intelligent systems, 可持续建筑, 高效的基础设施, 还有人情味.

